
medical insurance

International students who were already in France will continued to receive their medical insurance through a student group plan. Participation in the social security system is free for students.

The student group plans will continue to function, but with a different focus: They will offer additional health services tailored to the needs of students, and will reimburse medical expenses not covered by the national social security system.

In France, care is almost free, but medical insurance does not fully cover visits to health service providers. To obtain full reimbursement, students may elect to enroll in a supplemental health plan offered by a general or student mutual (group) insurer, a conventional insurance company, or a bank.

In their new role as providers of supplemental health insurance, the student group plans will also focus on health awareness and illness prevention in cooperation with the health services of educational institutions. Most universities, in particular, maintain (or share with nearby institutions) an office of preventive medicine and health promotion that provides free services to students.

What does the change mean for international students?

No further steps are required of students whose health coverage had been managed by a student group plan. They will be automatically enrolled in the general social security system.

International students who arrive in fall 2019 will have to register with the social security system. And Campus France can help! This article tells you what you need to know. (source: Campus France)