با توجه به سوالات روزافزون دوستان زیادی در مورد وضعیت و قوانین قوانین فرانسه در مورد رمزارزها، مطالب زیر رو تهیه کردیم. این مطالب بصورت روزانه یا هفتگی بروز خواهد شد. در صورتی که نظر یا سوالی در این زمینه دارید، میتوانید در قسمت پایین همین صفحه آن را پست کنید.
قوانین مربوط به کریپتو در فرانسه:
How to declare crypto currency France?
Yes! cryptocurrencies held in a personal wallet are also subject to tax declaration. Read the link below:
@BTC_Archive: غول صنعت پرداخت جهانی اینجنیکو اکنون پرداخت های بیت کوین و سایر ارزهای دیجیتال را در فرانسه می پذیرد. این شرکت ۴۰ میلیون ترمینال در ۳۷ کشور جهان دارد.
Crypto payments just got easier in France
We've recently partnered with @ingenico, a global payment solutions provider, to enable users to pay in crypto through #Binance Pay.
Another milestone for global crypto adoption
— Binance (@binance) February 22, 2023
Global payments giant Ingenico now accepts #Bitcoin and crypto payments in France.
It has 40 million terminals in 37 countries!
— Bitcoin Archive (@BTC_Archive) February 22, 2023
– رئیس بانک فرانسه با استناد به آشفتگی کنونی در بازارهای ارزهای دیجیتال، خواستار الزامات سخت گیرانهتری در صدور مجوز برای شرکت های ارزدیجیتال فعال در فرانسه شده است.
– فرانسوا ویلروی دی گالهو روز گذشته طی سخنرانی در پاریس گفت که فرانسه نباید منتظر قوانین آتی ارزهای دیجیتال اتحادیه اروپا باشد تا مجوزهای اجباری را برای ارائه دهندگان خدمات داراییهای دیجیتال محلی (DASP) وضع کند.
– پیشبینی میشود که لایحه بازار داراییهای دیجیتال پارلمان اروپا، برنامهای برای صدور مجوز ارزهای دیجیتال تا سال ۲۰۲۴ اجرایی نشود.
قوانین بینالمللی برای رمزارزها
بر اساس گزارشهای منتشرشده، هدف کشورهای G20 ایجاد یک اجماع سیاستی در مورد داراییهای رمزارزی برای قانونگذاری بهتر جهانی است.
اعضای گروه (G20) عبارتند از: آرژانتین، استرالیا، برزیل، کانادا، چین، فرانسه، آلمان، هند، اندونزی، ایتالیا، ژاپن، جمهوری کره، مکزیک، روسیه، عربستان سعودی، آفریقای جنوبی، ترکیه، بریتانیا، ایالات متحده و اتحادیه اروپا. این گروه حدود 85 درصد از تولید ناخالص داخلی جهان را تشکیل میدهد.
فرانسه احتمالاً پلتفرمهای ارزهای دیجیتال را ملزم به دریافت مجوز میکند.
بر اساس گزارش فایننشال تایمز، هروه موری، عضو کمیسیون مالی مجلس سنای فرانسه، طرحی را پیشنهاد داده است تا براساس آن، بندی را حذف کند که به شرکتهای ارزهای دیجیتال این کشور اجازه میدهد بدون مجوز کامل تا سال ۲۰۲۶ فعالیت کنند. گفتنی است که در حال حاضر حتی با اجراییشدن چارچوب نظارتی ارزهای دیجیتال اتحادیه اروپا در سال ۲۰۲۴، شرکتهای حوزه ارزهای دیجیتال در فرانسه میتوانند تا سال ۲۰۲۶ بدون مجوز فعالیت داشته باشند.
با توجه به قوانین فرانسه، شما میتوایند از طریق صرافیهای معتبر به معاملات کریپتو بپردازید، کیف پول داشته باشید و ارزهایتان را بسادگی منتقل کنید! اما قبل از شروع معامله و خرید رمزارز یا کریپتو و نقل و انتقال پول از طریق فیات، حتما قوانین بانک خودتان را در این زمینه بخوبی مطالعه کنید. بطور مثال بانک ال س ال (LCL)، طبق سایت خود بانک، هیچ برنامه ای تا اطلاع ثانوی در مورد کریپتوها ندارد، و خرید و فروش کریپتو یا رمزارز از طریق این بانک ممنوع میباشد. دلایل این بانک و بعضی از دیگر بانکهای فرانسه برای ممنوعیت کریپتو موارد زیر میباشد:
- عدم وجود چارچوب قانونی هنگام خرید کالا یا خدمات با بیت کوین؛
- فقدان حفاظت نظارتی برای پوشش ضرر، توقف فعالیت یا هک پلتفرمی که مبادله یا ذخیرهسازی بیتکوین را مدیریت میکند؛
- عدم وجود ضمانت بازپرداخت و رجوع در صورت سرقت بیت کوین؛
- عدم وجود بازار تنظیم شده؛ خطرات بالای ضرر ناشی از نوسانات بسیار بالای قیمت بیت کوین؛
- عدم نظارت بانک ها و مقامات نظارتی بر ماهیت وجوه مورد استفاده برای خرید بیت کوین (ارتباطات احتمالی با فعالیت های مجرمانه: پولشویی، تامین مالی تروریسم و غیره).
با توجه به حساسیت بالای بانکهای فرانسه نسبت به نقل و انتقال پول در حساب بانکی، حتما اطلاعات لازم رو قبل از خرید و فروش کریپتوها بدست بیاورید.
The regulatory situation of cryptocurrencies in France
Under French law, crypto-currencies still do not have a sufficiently clear legal status. Moreover, they are not recognized as financial instruments. This is the reason why cryptocurrencies are still not regulated in France.
France, a pioneer in the concept of digital assets
By adopting the Pacte law in 2019, France was one of the first States to have defined the notion of “digital asset” and to have regulated certain essential subjects related to the ecosystem of blockchain technology and digital assets.
The major contribution of the Pacte law in this area is due in particular to the creation of a regime governing Initial Coin Offerings (“ICOs”) or public offerings of tokens, and the activity of service providers on digital assets. (“PSAN”).
Indeed, the Monetary and Financial Code (“CMF”) now provides that service providers wishing to provide services in France for the custody of digital assets, the purchase or sale of digital assets in legal tender, the exchange digital assets against other digital assets or the operation of a digital asset trading platform are subject to prior registration with the AMF.
In examining the application for registration, the AMF verifies in particular that the PSAN complies with the obligations provided for by the Monetary and Financial Code with regard to the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism (“LCB-FT”) ) and regarding the freezing of assets. This new regime thus makes it possible to limit the LCB-FT risks linked to transactions involving digital assets.
To date, the AMF has registered nearly 30 PSANs.
These providers who provide the four services mentioned above, but also for those who want to provide six other services (example: the reception and transmission of orders on digital assets, the management of portfolio of digital assets, advice to subscribers digital assets, etc.) may apply for an optional authorization issued by the AMF allowing them in particular to carry out advertising operations by electronic means.
Despite the interest in obtaining this approval, none has been issued to our knowledge by the AMF. This lack of approval in the ecosystem is possibly explained by the very restrictive additional requirements set by the legislator (equity, insurance, etc.).
In addition to having imposed compliance with a certain number of rules on PSANs, the Pacte law has above all established a right to a bank account for the benefit of these registered service providers. Banking institutions are expected to put in place objective, non-discriminatory and proportionate account access rules.
If the scope of this right to an account remains uncertain in practice, it is nevertheless a provision which, symbolically, confirms the place to be taken by professionals in the Blockchain ecosystem and digital assets in the economy.
Standardization of European legislation is imminent
The future adoption of the European Regulation MiCa, “Markets in Crypto-assets Regulation”, currently under discussion within the bodies of the European Union and whose adoption is expected during 2022-2023, is also a major step since this new regulations will make it possible to strengthen and standardize, at European level, the regime to which, in particular, NHPs will be subject.
While the European Commission’s proposal is similar to the regime provided for by French law, it is important to note that the new regulation could impose an obligation to obtain approval from the competent state authority. The new regulatory framework strengthens the existing system in the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism (LCB-FT).
The objective of this new text would thus be to improve the development of the ecosystem while providing a legal framework for crypto-assets and guaranteeing fair competition between the players involved in this sector, while ensuring consumer protection. Extensive program!
The second essential part of the regulations in force in France relates to the existence of a regime governing ICO operations. An issuer wishing to make a public offer of Utility tokens, i.e. tokens guaranteeing access to future products and services of a company, has the option of obtaining a visa from the ‘AMF.
In the same way as for the authorization of PSANs, this visa is optional and is subject to compliance with a certain number of rules (presentation of an information document, LCB-FT system, etc.).
However, it is of major interest for the issuer of tokens since by obtaining this visa, the latter can carry out canvassing and sponsorship or patronage operations in order to promote the operation for which the visa was issued. In other words, the visa provided by the CMF allows the token issuer to reach a larger audience.
Despite the considerable contributions of the Pacte law and due to the rapid development of technologies, certain aspects and operations related to digital assets are not subject to any regulation and today raise new legal issues.
The role of banking players
In addition to the legal issues related to crypto-assets as such, it is also essential that banking establishments take into account the increased development of this sector.
In a report presented in particular by the association ADAN (Association for the Development of Digital Assets) it was indicated that 8% of French people have already invested in crypto-assets, whether cryptocurrencies or NFTs. The proportion of French people holding shares directly or via funds would be equivalent (8%) and 30% of French people would consider holding crypto-assets, which is much more than the number of French people holding securities directly.
More and more professionals and consumers will eventually own crypto-assets. Banks will also have to consider the possibilities they could offer their customers regarding the holding of crypto-assets and their conversion into Fiat currency (fiat currency issued by a central bank). Note that Société Générale and Boursorama Banque have already demonstrated their strong interest in these new digital assets.
Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations was registered as PSAN a few months ago.
The adoption of the Pacte law therefore provided an initial framework for operations linked to the blockchain and the different categories of digital assets under French law. However, a large number of legal questions remain unanswered and it is essential that they be answered in order to guarantee security for both professionals and consumers. Likewise, it is now essential that banking institutions can also be part of the “game” and manage to deploy their expertise, products and services within this ecosystem.
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