Public transport on France | حمل و نقل شهری در فرانسه
Knowing the local public transport system in a new country can be challenging, particularly if you don’t speak the local language. If you live in France, it doesn’t matter whether…
Useful information for students and all!
Knowing the local public transport system in a new country can be challenging, particularly if you don’t speak the local language. If you live in France, it doesn’t matter whether…
For renewing your Visa (titre de séjour) you should use online systeme (for almost most of departments): It is important to know, you need to request to renew your…
What is visa validation? What Does Visa Validity Mean? The term “visa validity” refers to the state of a visa being considered “valid”. This means that the visa can be…
Finding suitable housing and accommodation for foreign students, including Iranians, can be one of the major challenges. It is highly recommended that you sort out your housing arrangements before arriving…
تولوز به خاطر ساختمانهایش که از آجرهای سفالی قرمز روشن که از گل قرمز رودخانه گارون ساخته شدهاند، “la ville rose” «شهر صورتی» نامیده میشود. این شهر در قرن پانزدهم…
Programme de bourses de doctorat en cotutelle Scholarship for dual doctoral degree courses between France and Iran: This program is for Iranian doctoral students who want to do their dissertation…
Le modèle d’attestation d’hébergement : مدل رسمی اتستاسیون مسکن: ATTESTATION D’HÉBERGEMENT Je soussignée PRENOM NOM, née le 1 janvier 1990 à Paris déclare sur l’honneur héberger à mon domicile M. Mme. Prenom NOM…
22 schools are recognized by the State and the Order of Architects: ENSA (National Higher Schools of Architecture), a private school ESA (Special School of Architecture) in Paris, and a…
بروزرسانی 15/02/2025 برای ثبت نام در سایت کف، CAF (caisse allocation familiale)، باید مراحل زیر رو طی کنید: وارد سایت کف میشوید، روی mon compte کلیک کنید، سپس روی…
Ouverture, méthode, déontologie, reproductibilité, technique de rédaction et analyse de données : focus sur six sujets fondamentaux pour la recherche scientifique. If you are PhD student, you need to see…